

 Earlier this year I went on a hike with my family and there was just so many neat looking trees, these are a few of my favourites. I had fun trying out some new textures on these photos.



Cookies & Milk

Here's a new background I got in for Christmas. I decided to try in out on my little brother with some cookies and milk. He said he really liked the cookie part :) I'll be taking pictures with Santa at the Carstairs Farmer's Market on the 8th of December from 12-3. Stop on by and get your child's picture taken.


Pathways of Light

Paths really inspire me in photography. They have such beautiful leading lines and they leave you with a sense of mystery as to where they go. I love how the paths lead up to the sun in a couple of these pictures.


Mother & Son

I love how these pictures capture the relationship between mother and son.


Family Session- "The Rocks"

"The Rocks" is my favourite outdoor location I've done a session at so far. This session was extra special because, over the past year, we've become very good family friends.


Brother & Sister Portrait Session

These kids were so adorable! The little girl showed so much love for her little brother. What I love about these pictures is that the smiles are so genuine because their parents were playing with them during the session and the kids were laughing at their mommy and daddy.


Erin & Gabe

A few weeks back I had the opportunity to take pictures at my cousin's wedding.
I went up a little early and helped with some of the last minute details for the wedding
and then had the privilege of being their photographer.


Tamara's Graduation

I went out and did a portrait session with my sister, Tamara, to celebrate her graduation this year! She is such an inspiration to me and I have so many special memories with her :)


New Album Design

I did a session of a 4 week old recently and what a cutie!
I've been working on designing a new album, here's what I have put together so far,
they are a two page layout.


San Antonio

I just got back from San Antonio recently and what a nice city! I decided to try out some new textures on some of the pictures I took while there. Some of my favourite things to photograph are train tracks and water :)